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3.9 参考文献

  [1]Edward S. Mason and Robert E. Asher,The World Bank since Bretton Woods,The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1973.p29.
  [2]George F. Kennan, George F. Kennan Memoirs 1925-1950,Pantheon Books,New York,1967.p292-295.
  [3]Michael Hudson,Super Imperialism – New Edition: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominanc,Pluto Press; New Edition edition (March 21, 2003),Chapter 6.
  [5]George F. Kennan and John Lukacs, George F. Kennan and the origins of Containment,1944-1946,Universiy of Missouri Press Columbia,1997.p9-10.
  [6]Armand Hammer,Hammer,G.P.Putnam’s Sons,New York, 1987,Chapter 12.
  [9]Armand Hammer,Hammer,G.P.Putnam’s Sons,New York, 1987.
  [10]Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1966.p392-402.
  [11]League of Nations Treaty Series, Volume 19 327L 1923.
  [12]Wheeler-Bennett John, The Nemesis of Power, London: Macmillan, 1967, p133.
  [14]Michael Hudson,Super Imperialism – New Edition: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominanc,Pluto Press; New Edition edition (March 21, 2003),Chapter 6.
  [15]Howard K. Smith, The Rubble War: A Study of Russia’s Economic Penetration versus US Foreign Aid, Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc, 1958.
  [21]CIA, Intelligence Memorandum: The Impending Soviet Oil Crisis, March 1977.



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